Patching the apk

These steps aren't needed unless you want to host your server somewhere other than the same device, so either on a seperate server/computer.

Prerequisites: - apktool - libhonoka - zipalign (part of the android sdk) - apksigner (part of the android sdk) - A keystore. For your convinience you can download this keystore with the password 123456.

  1. Download the modified lovelive sif apk (jp)
  2. Run apktool d lovelive-community.apk to decompile the apk.
  3. Unzip config/server_info.json from assets/
  4. Use libhonoka to decrypt server_info.json. (honoka2 server_info.json)
  5. Edit the json file to point to your server.
  6. Re-encrypt the json file by running honoka2 -e -j server_info.json.
  7. Replace the assets/ file with the new one you patched.
  8. Get the md5sum of and replace assets/version with the new md5sum.
  9. Run apktool b lovelive-community to re-build the apk.
  10. Run zipalign -f 4 lovelive-community/dist/<apk name> LLSIF_patched.apk.
  11. Sign the apk by running apksigner sign -ks sifkey.keystore LLSIF_patched.apk.

Assuming you did it correctly, your newly signed apk is ready to install and run.