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Patching the apk

These steps aren't needed unless you want to host your server somewhere other than the same device, so either on a seperate server/computer.



  1. Download the modified lovelive sif apk (jp)
  2. Run apktool d lovelive-community.apk to decompile the apk.
  3. Unzip config/server_info.json from assets/
  4. Use libhonoka to decrypt server_info.json. (honoka2 server_info.json)
  5. Edit the json file to point to your server.
  6. Re-encrypt the json file by running honoka2 -e -j server_info.json.
  7. Replace the assets/ file with the new one you patched.
  8. Get the md5sum of and replace assets/version with the new md5sum.
  9. Run apktool b lovelive-community to re-build the apk.
  10. Run uber-apk-signer -a lovelive-community/dist/<apk name>.apk LLSIF_patched.apk.

uber-apk-signer will sign the APK with a debug keystore. You should sign with your own keystore if you are planning to distribute this!

Assuming you did it correctly, your newly signed apk is ready to install and run.

Web based patcher

I compiled libhonoka to WebAssembly and made it an easy GUI to use: You will still need to follow step 10 from above.